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Total Self-Leadership

“First be a leader of yourself. Only then can you grow to lead others.” 
- David Taylor-Klaus

This program is for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and aspiring leaders who want to better understand how to increase their leadership through emotional intelligence, communication and self-management skills.  â€‹


This program contains FOUR assessments, expert analysis, a PERSONALIZED blueprint detailing individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, FIVE workshops, individual coaching sessions and access to ongoing community and resources. We provide an opportunity to reassess your skills in one year to see your overall progress and a certificate of completion to highlight in your resume and socials.


Significantly progress your skills by focusing on your personal needs.


Why Assessments?

Using our four key assessments: DISC, Motivators, EIQ 2.0 and Wheel of Life you will gain a holistic view of your decision making values, communication styles, wellness focus and emotional intelligence. 


After completing the assessments, you will spend two hours with our experts discussing the outcomes and analysis.  You will gain a deeper insight and dive into areas of focus. 


Our team will build you a personal blueprint consolidating your assessment outcomes, analysis and identifying any gaps and suggested areas for improvement.


FIVE training modules (12 hours) developed to focus on each of our core areas: Communication, Decision-Making, Emotional Intelligence, Time and Stress Managements


Spend two 30 minute sessions with our experts to stay on track and join our community of professionals to continue the dialogue and have access to expert advice and input.

Learn more about the FOUR assessments included in this package and our personalized blueprint.

Leadership Design
Personalized Blueprint

As part of the Total Self-Leadership package, you will receive a one-of-a-kind personalized blueprint.  This blueprint will summarize all of the assessments, analysis and an individual SWOT.  In addition, it offers suggestions on how to move forward, access to applicable training modules and available resources to continue your work.  

Looking for your company to invest in you? 


DOWNLOAD our corporate justification letter.

Total Self-Leadership Program.png

DOWNLOAD a consolidated file of our assessments, blueprint and training module examples.

Total Self-Leadership 

Total Package

Four assessments: DISC, Motivators, EIQ, Wheel of Life

Expert Analysis: 2 hours with our experts detailing assessment outcomes

Personalized Blueprint detailing analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats along with a detailed plan of action

FIVE workshops focused on each of our core areas: EIQ, Communication, Decision Making, Stress and Time Management

Two 30 minute sessions with our experts to discuss outcomes and progress. Access to community.

Certificate of completion for your resume and socials

Reassess in 1 year with comparative results provided

Total cost: $2,999

Not sure if it is for you? Or unsure what results you can achieve?  Book a complimentary discovery call and talk to us.  We can walk you through the program and the benefits for you.

Have a team of leaders you want to create a customized plan for? We can do that too!  Contact us to discuss your need and we will develop a group plan and rate.

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